日本における新薬の臨床開発と承認審査の実績 2000~2011年承認品目
長谷藤 信五(医薬産業政策研究所 主任研究員)
小野 俊介(東京大学大学院薬学系研究科 医薬品評価科学講座 准教授)
One hundred thirty one of new drugs were approved in 2011, which was most since survey has been started. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) has been promoting "Life Innovation" through creation of innovative drugs and medical devices originated in Japan. According to this strategy, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) has set the goal of approval time in 2011 for standard review in 12 months, for priority review in 9months. Many actions have been implemented to achieve this goal.
The median clinical development time and review time in 2011 were 42.2 months (3.5 years) and 10.1 months (0.8 years) respectively. Although, the median clinical development time was longer than 2010 by 6.3 months, review time was the shortest between 2000 and 2010, and was shortened by 4.7 months, compared with 2010.
Reliable execution of actions such as introduction of Prior Assessment Consultation, introduction of standardized timelines and strengthened progress management for the review process, establishment of guidelines for application review will be needed in the future. Further improvement of training for inexperienced reviewers should be considered and further cooperation between the Office of New Drugs/Biologics and the Office of Safety to tighten safety measures for new drugs earlier with applicants, as well as between the Office of New Drugs/Biologics and the Office of Medical Devices when new drugs accompanied with companion diagnostics, which would become more important.
In the future, discussions on a regulatory approval system considering the quality and efficiency of the regulatory review between regulatory authority and sponsor are also essential so we can provide useful drug for the patients in a timely manner.